Pest Control

Rodents and Rodent Removal

Rodents can gnaw through almost anything, including electrical wires which can spark fires or damage appliances. They also contaminate food and other household items with their droppings and urine and spread diseases.

To keep mice and rats out of the house, store wood piles well away from the home, trim bushes and other vegetation, and eliminate overhanging or touching trees. Keep garbage cans tightly sealed. Contact Rodent Removal Texas now!


Rats are a common pest that can cause severe damage to homes and business properties. They are omnivorous scavengers that thrive in conditions that offer food, shelter and protection. They breed rapidly and multiply even more quickly when conditions are favorable. They carry diseases that can be transmitted to people, such as rat-bite fever and leptospirosis. They can contaminate food and water supplies, and chew through wires that may lead to fires or electrical outages.

Rats can enter your home through a variety of entry points, including unscreened vents and gaps around chimneys, roofs and other structures. They can also gain access through open pet doors, un-screened basement windows and crawl spaces under sinks and appliances.

You can help prevent rat infestations by keeping your property free of food and shelter. Remove garbage from the property regularly and store it in rodent-proof containers. Clean up and dispose of fallen fruit from your yard and garden. Fence in your vegetable gardens and limit the amount of feed you give outdoor pets.

If you notice scratching noises, droppings, urine odor or other signs of a rat infestation in your home, it’s time to call a professional for rodent removal. Rats can chew through drywall and other materials, causing serious structural issues and creating a health hazard for humans and pets.

The most effective way to eradicate rats is through traps, which are safe for pets and children when properly set. Setting traps near areas where rats live will deter them from entering your house, but you must also close entry points to prevent them from returning.

Rodents leave pheromone trails that attract other rodents to the area, so you should always place traps in multiple locations and check them often. You can also use repellents, such as peppermint oil or cayenne pepper, to ward off rats.

After rat extermination, it’s important to repair any rodent entry points and keep your property free of clogged gutters, overhanging trees, shrubbery, sheds and other structures that provide shelter for rats. You can further prevent rats from entering by reducing their food and water supply, repairing leaky pipes, and keeping garbage and compost bins tightly sealed.


Rodents may look cute, but they are unwelcome guests in any home. Their constant search for food and shelter can damage a property and lead to serious health issues for humans, pets and other animals. They also breed rapidly and are capable of spreading disease. In addition, their sharp incisors chew through wood and other materials to create nesting sites, create gnaw holes in pipes, wires and rafters and destroy furniture, boxes and personal belongings.

Rodents often enter homes through the attic or crawl space, and a few rodents can quickly turn into an infestation. Signs that rodents have taken up residence include droppings found in pantry or along baseboards, scratching noises in the attic or walls and scurrying sounds as they move through insulation or other material. New droppings have a putty-like texture, while old ones are hard and crumbly.

Mice tend to cause less damage than rats because they have weaker teeth and can’t chew through metal or glass. However, they are just as destructive as rats and can destroy personal belongings. Like other rodents, mice can carry fleas, ticks and mites that spread diseases in humans. They can also transmit hantaviruswhich can lead to respiratory illness in humans and cats.

Mouse droppings, urine and saliva also pose a health hazard, causing allergic reactions and trigger asthma symptoms in sensitive individuals. They also pollute indoor spaces with feces and urine, contaminate food supplies and attract more rodents. The CDC reports that 11 different diseases are transmitted by rodents, and more than 9,000 people visit emergency departments annually for rat or mouse bites.

To keep rodents out, a professional should inspect the area to find entry points and seal them. Depending on the property, this may require a crawl space or attic inspection. A general rodent inspection costs $75 to $150 and includes the removal of one dead rodent. Additional inspections, especially if the property is larger or older and requires more extensive sealing work, will cost more. Rodent-exclusion doors typically cost $200 to $400 and feature a steel-mesh door that only opens outward so mice and rats can’t reenter.

Other Rodents

Rodents are mammals (not reptiles or birds) of the order Rodentia (roh-DEN-si). Their name comes from their gnawing teeth, which grow continually. Rodents are one of the most diverse groups of mammals, occupying all terrestrial habitats except Antarctica and several oceanic islands.

Rodents are small animals that can squeeze through extremely narrow openings. They are omnivorous, feeding on both plant and animal matter. Rats and mice are the most common rodent pests in homes, but other species also exist. They are found in almost every country on earth.

Rodents have a wide range of behaviors and adaptations that allow them to live in many different environments. Most have a stocky body, short limbs and ears, a single pair of mammae, a vestigial tail, and large eyes. They have a heightened sense of smell and taste. Many species are capable of learning and remembering, which helps them find food and water and avoid predators.

Rodents are important to the ecosystem because they play an important role in seed dispersal. They also serve as reservoirs for disease, contributing to more than 31 human diseases in the United States alone. Rodent urine and dander can cause allergic reactions in some people and trigger asthma symptoms in sensitive individuals. Some types of rodents also transmit other pathogens, such as Salmonella and Listeria.

Getting rid of rodents requires prevention measures. Keep crumbs, garbage, pet food, and other potential food sources out of the house by storing them in rodent-proof containers or disposing of them immediately after use. Store garden produce and fruit on the ground only when it is ripe, and pick up any fallen or rotting items in the yard.

Remove places where rats and mice can hide or build nests, such as woodpiles and stacks of lumber. Clean up debris and sanitize any surfaces that have come into contact with rodent droppings or urine. Keep trash in rodent-proof containers and pick up garbage regularly. Trim or eliminate brush and dense shrubbery that can provide rodents with shelter and cover.


Rodents are destructive pests that invade homes and businesses in search of food, water and shelter. They also carry diseases and can damage building structures and electrical systems with their gnawing, urine and droppings. Direct and indirect contact with rodents can cause serious health risks, including gastrointestinal issues, allergies, infections and even cancer. In addition, their incisors can gnaw through household items like books, carpeting and insulation. In business settings, rodents can disrupt operations and lead to costly repairs and even shutdowns.

While you can’t eliminate all rodents, there are steps you can take to reduce their numbers and make your home or business less inviting. Rodents are attracted to odors and moisture, so routine cleaning is important. Wipe down surfaces, sweep and mop floors frequently, and keep trash cans tightly sealed. If you have pets, remove pet food bowls from the floor overnight and clean their cages regularly. In outdoor areas, eliminate puddles, woodpiles and stacks of debris that provide shelter or food sources. Trim tree limbs and shrubbery that overhang buildings or touch them, and make sure gutters are working properly to prevent water accumulation around foundations and other exterior parts of the property.

Rats and mice can wiggle through openings the size of a quarter, so it is critical to seal all entry points into your home. Installing caulk, expanding foam and weather stripping are all effective measures. Additionally, reducing clutter in attics and basements can deprive these areas of hiding places and nesting materials.

Natural repellents can also be helpful as part of your rodent control strategy. Peppermint oil, mothballs and ultrasonic devices all discourage rodents from making themselves at home, although their effectiveness can vary. These products are ideal for those looking to use a non-toxic, chemical-free option. They can be used in combination with traps and baits or on their own. For example, a soaked cotton ball containing peppermint oil can be placed near rodent entrances and re-applied every few days. Rodents breed quickly, so a single rodent can rapidly grow into a major infestation.